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Update Bulk Edit to include Comments

I want to create the same comment on multiple features (sometimes epics) - It would be great if I could do this using Bulk Edit! Would still want the ability to @tag someone in this type of bulk edit comment area.
Lindsay Price about 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 7 Future consideration

Make it clearer on presentations that there is more than one slide

When I send out presentations, I often get the feedback that users did not realise there was more than one slide. I now send a guide to any new user that I send the report to, but this does not always get read. Therefore it would be better if ther...
Andrew Brooks about 4 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Automations: Add a fire webhook action

Automations are great. It would be fantastic if we could set up an automation so that a specific event triggered a webhook. For example: Idea status updated to Shipped - Fire webhook. This would enable various workflows -- such as notifying a grou...
Danny Archer about 4 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Auto-Tag object IDs (Features/Master Features/Releases/etc) in comments

Sometimes, when I'm trying to refer to other objects in Aha! in a comment, I want to be able to just enter the ID of the object and have it auto-link to that. JIRA has this feature and it's helpful so we can avoid having to look up references. Som...
Jess Cook about 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Already exists

Ability to transfer ideas from on product to another

Some products are sometimes used by others in a given portfolio managed as multiple product's workspace in aha. It happens that a user fills an idea in the wrong product portal (this idea is a wish for the product he/she fills the idea for, but it...
Guest about 4 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Allow Master Features to include the field for "Type"

Currently only a user story can accept custom "types". But this is available to configure when you are setting up the workflow and status for either a Master Feature or a Feature. Master Feature cards should also be able to include a custom type s...
Guest about 4 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Required fields to be excluded from features in the parking lot

Required fields cannot be excluded from features in the parking lot currently. However, it would make sense that if you have a feature under your parking lot is because you still have to define certain things and you may not count at that time wit...
Guest about 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

"Aha! roadmaps for confluence" macro frame size to be configurable

Could it be possible to have the frame adjustable as most of the reports do not fit on the frame?
Juha Välimäki about 4 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Stop notifications for specific items

While viewing an item (idea or feature, for example) enable to control my notifications of that specific item. Today, I have to go to notifications and find the item to change notifications. Interestingly, there's neither a search feature nor refe...
Tom Beck about 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Release Template Start date should be the start date of the release

It would be ideal when you add in the release phase template to the release the dates start from the development start date. This would then prevent having to reshuffle the milestones as the dates are not aligned to the release.
Natasha Venter about 4 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration