Allow editing of custom fields within layout builder
Currently some layouts allow you to edit custom fields within the builder. It would be very useful to have the ability to edit all custom fields while creating custom layouts.
Jessica Murray
about 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Add user first name and last name fields to Get User API response
Currently Aha stores user first and last names. In the get user and list users REST API response objects, those fields are combined into one field: name. So John and Doe just get returned as John Doe. This causes problems when you have many differ...
about 2 years ago
in API
Future consideration
Allow more than one column of features under one epic
Users can easily create new columns in their user story map. If a user adds two columns but only has one epic parent then assume all features under and to the right are children of that epic. It could be pseudo coded such as something like (featur...
about 4 years ago
in User story map
Future consideration
Adding Validity date range to user access / authorizations
We should be able to add validity date range while giving access/authorizations to users. Many users require Aha! access for a limited period of time. This is will help us to keep the user list clean over a period of time. This also helps us to ke...
Anand Chatterjee
about 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Allow Timeframe to be used for filtering in Worksheet fields
As part of our maturity review we want to quickly understand if a particular workspace has planned their Initiatives and Goals in the current Timeframe (e.g. this year). To do this we'd like to create a worksheet on the workspace object, but the f...
Michael Bruner
about 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Feature Support for Averaging Scores from Multiple Contributors
As a product owner, I would like the ability to elicit and average scores from multiple contributors, so that Aha! aligns more with my backlog grooming prioritization process.
Joseph Gehling
about 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
This is really just for fun, but I personally like the ability to enable the "sketch" style under the editor in Confluence. I use it extensively as it makes the notes a little bit more fun to read. I noticed that the editor in Aha!...
JP Guyon
about 4 years ago
in Mockups
Future consideration
Exposed a "total linked records" field for epics and features
We are interested in identifying the number of dependencies a particular epic or feature has to proactively manage the sequencing work and identify potential schedule risk. Our teams prefer roadmaps to visualize the work. However, custom roadmaps ...
Stephen Wingert
about 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Keep the user data encrypted on Aha!'s end - in your instances and databases. Encrypt/decrypt on-the-fly right in browser, so no one but the authenticated web user can see and modify the user data. (This will assure needlessness of an on-premise A...
about 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Greater functionality for idea portal automations used with multiple selection fields
We use automations to automatically assign ideas based on their categorization. Quite often ideas overlap product categories and as such multiple categories are assigned. The issue we are finding is that by adding the secondary categorization the ...
Dan Green
about 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration