Feature History Changed to show Story History too - Needs a filter to filter to only feature
The Feature History has changed to also show Story/requirement History. This makes it hard to find the history of the feature or single level you are looking at. History needs a filter to filter to only 1 level and not the children levels.
Steve Podzamsky
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Using the strategic roadmap, we would like to be able to expand each initiative to view its child features, while viewing only the releases assigned to this specific workspace. As it stands, this roadmap view shows us every linked release across e...
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Notify users when a new idea is logged for an Organization
The Organization records are a great way to associate ideas to a customer. It would be really useful to notify the owner or team responsible for that customer whenever a new idea is logged for their organization. That team may be interested in und...
Mark Eaves
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
The "Configure options for" a predefined list custom field forces the user to click on "edit" to go a separate screen to do either name change or color change. These two can be accomplished easily on the original field edict screen list as well wi...
Mousa Mitwasi
almost 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
It would be great to allow for cards (epics, features, requirements) to move in any "card" based view. A great example is Google Keep (Web version on Desktop). Google Keep allows for easy moving of cards and pinning of favorites to the top. Add in...
Todd Materazzi
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
better validation warnings and units tips and handling on estimates fields
the toolips on estimates fields need consistent messaging in all field contexts, with proper messaging/tip content based on the units of the configuration. this needs to be the UX when creating (actual configured units not a hard-coded either/or t...
Kevin Martin
almost 2 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
please let admin better control the field choices on apply rank to users cannot make bad choice
apply rank opens a picker to let user decide which custom field to apply the rank value to , and that custom field needs to be the field in the mappings that provide update into target tooling (my case, its ADO, stack rank). I see multiple custom ...
Kevin Martin
almost 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
We have set up a workflow, that is fairly complex and has a lot of approval To-Do's. Every time, someone else pushes an idea forward, I get one email for each of the To-Do's I have been assigned. This generally are 4-8 for most steps. Getting that...