Add optional date fields or ranges on Requirements
Allow Requirements under features to have Date fields. These could be locked to the feature's date range or allowed to fall outside depending on the organization and how they manage.
This would allow for more granular reporting on Features, or t...
Travis Allen
over 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Capacity Planning - Include Develop records in Roadmap Capacity Report
Who would benefit? Teams doing planning with shared resources working across multiple teams. Example UX designer that works with Roadmap product teams and Develop dev teams. What impact would it make? Ability to see all work assigned in one place ...
Joe Decker
10 months ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
When accepting a work request, allow fields with same API_key to carry over from requesting record to new record
Who would benefit? Product Owners and Cross Functional Teams What impact would it make? Eliminate having to copy information from 'depends on' records into 'dependency of' records How should it work? It would work like it does when promoting ideas...
10 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Aha admins who need to change user access What impact would it make? When changing access to a workspace (in particular when users have access to a whole line and need to be restricted to only some of the line) it would make it ...
Julia Pence
10 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
According to the engineering team, the advanced editor functionality (right clicking options) is not supported today. eg. Undo, etc. Keyboard shortcuts work. Please enable advanced editor functionality as many users operate off of this shortcut ov...
Cindy Datlof
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Who would benefit? People trying to add Proxy Votes to Ideas What impact would it make? Eliminate confusion on how to make a vote How should it work? Like the Comments tab in the Portal where you can click "Add Comment," a similar button is under ...
Tommy Oakes
10 months ago
in Voting
Future consideration
As a product manager I'd like to be able to create reports that I can collaborate on, and edit, only with select Aha! users. I envision that this functionality would be similar to the collaboration functionality on Notebooks.
Scott Goldblatt
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Show a calendar view of the week/month in My Work so that a user can see what they have worked on in the last week/month and if there are gaps regarding time tracking.
over 2 years ago
in My work
Future consideration
I'd like to see all the open releases associated with a specific release template, as of right now this not possible as they are all named different things.
almost 6 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Ability to copy entire workspace contents to another
After messing up in a workspace configuration or design, I find it very useful to have a one stop shop button to copy entire contents (including user story maps, personas, roadmaps, features, etc.) from one workspace to another.
Todd Materazzi
over 1 year ago
in Application
Future consideration