More granular notification control at the entity level (e.g. ideas vs features vs requirements)
We would like to have the granular notification control that you've rolled out at the product level (e.g. none, instantly, hourly, daily, etc.) to be extended to the *entity* level (e.g. ideas vs features vs requirements) so that you can ha...
When attempting to delete a set of attachments, they have to be deleted one by one, each time confirming you do want to delete that attachment. If you have more than 2-3 it becomes very tedious and time-consuming to delete. It would be helpful to ...
Ashley Borg
about 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Treeview display of Releases & Features for an initiative
It'd be useful to be able to view Features grouped under their assigned Release when looking at the Initiative Detail view. I'm sure I could do this with filters etc, but it'd be great to get a view of the features under their respective releases....
Stuart Thom
about 8 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
When promoting multiple ideas to a single artifact, aggregate fields that allow for multiple values
Who would benefit? Everyone using both Ideas and Roadmaps. What impact would it make? It would reduce manual updates of possible lost data. How should it work? If multiple ideas are promoted to the same artifact (a feature, for instance), fields i...
9 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Allow for exclusion of weekends/holidays in datediff calc
Who would benefit? anyone currently needing to do this calc in xls What impact would it make? all of my data is in Aha but I have to export it monthly to do this calculation because xls can do it and Aha can't. it would be nice to be able to do th...
Crystal Stone
9 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
When putting together a pivot table, it would be helpful to allow a line break (and/or other formatting) between data elements to prevent all the disparate data from running together. Would increase readability.
Dean S
almost 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
I am looking to create Tactical Dashboards for users - where they can have panels that represent their work queues for assigned To-Do's, Features, Releases, Initiatives. etc. I want to be able to filter to the user and have all panels update to th...
Jamie Lefkovics
almost 3 years ago
in My work
Future consideration
The ability to archive Initiatives shouldn't be based on the timeframe value but status.
Timeframe can be leveraged by multiple resources, long in range, or not accurately updated.
The status reflects a "done" state and is a better indicator if so...
almost 6 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Automation rules to update idea status when a comment comes in
I'm sure it never happens on your Ideas Portal, but often the Ideas that get submitted by our customers lack some key information that we need in order to make prioritization decisions. In those instances we put them in an "on hold or needs more i...
Derek Boriack
over 7 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration