I would like to be able to have my QA team track bugs against a Requirement. It would enable better visibility into the probability of a specific feature / requirement making it in to a projected Release (or the likelihood of the release slipping)...
about 10 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Capacity Planning - Include Develop records in Roadmap Capacity Report
Who would benefit? Teams doing planning with shared resources working across multiple teams. Example UX designer that works with Roadmap product teams and Develop dev teams. What impact would it make? Ability to see all work assigned in one place ...
When accepting a work request, allow fields with same API_key to carry over from requesting record to new record
Who would benefit? Product Owners and Cross Functional Teams What impact would it make? Eliminate having to copy information from 'depends on' records into 'dependency of' records How should it work? It would work like it does when promoting ideas...
9 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Aha admins who need to change user access What impact would it make? When changing access to a workspace (in particular when users have access to a whole line and need to be restricted to only some of the line) it would make it ...
Julia Pence
9 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Enable roadmap reports that only show parking lot releases.
As a product manager, I can run roadmap reports that only display parking lot releases, so that I can analyze my future opportunities. We use custom roadmaps to communicate with our stakeholders. Our CTO would like to know what we're considering d...
Daniel Cohen
over 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
You ought to be able to perform the same action on a selection of ideas portal users. Here's a scenario I recently encountered:I created an ideas portal for someone else's project. In advance of that person announcing the project and calling for f...
over 4 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Add ability to add custom field to portal user table
My product services customers from two different industries and in multiple different user roles. I need to do analysis on what type of user is accessing the idea portal itself to evaluate portal adoption. Ideally need a way to collect and analyze...
almost 6 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists