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Make required fields consistent for virtual users

In the below screenshots, email address is a required field on the first screen, but not on the second. Email address shouldn't ever be required when creating a virtual user.
Bryan McElhinney about 2 years ago in Capacity planning 1 Future consideration

Add Lead Time and Cycle Time lists and charts

Lead times (created to done) and cycle times (in progress to done) are the flow management tools used with a kanban practice. We mostly use these for Goal and Initiative records. Currently creating list report and export for charting in excel.
Richard M almost 3 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Make report results workspace user role agnostic

As a user of AHA Roadmap I want to see all data in a report regardless of my user role in that Workspace so all users who access the report see consistent data. As authority to see information under a Workspace is depending on the user's role in t...
Guest 9 months ago in Reports 1 Will not implement

Multi-line Quotes in Notebooks

The quotes in Notebooks are a great way to cite someone, however, they can only be a single line. If you have a quote that spans multiple lines, there is a big spacing in between each line. It would be great if they could span across multiple line...
Niklas Gromann 9 months ago in Notes 0 Already exists

Don't require a color selection for each sticky note

When brainstorming quickly, it's helpful to be able to pop sticky notes onto a whiteboard, but choosing a color every time slows me down. I would rather have the option to change the color if needed, but have a persistent color selection until tha...
Reilly O'Connor over 1 year ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Allow for developer notes/private comments in Feature Cards; only viewed by owners and those working the feature cards

There are conversations our team would like to contain with in a Feature Cards that are only viewed by our team members.
Carolee Snarr almost 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications / Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Arbitrary sorting in reports, using values of data in row or column headers

It is awesome to see greater sorting features released (e.g. Thank you. Unfortunately that update doesn't solve one of my sorting needs. I have a timeline report, in which I visualise release names and ...
Nick Mariette almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Tie feature start and end dates to status

It would be useful to have feature start date automatically be set when it moves to "In Development" and end date autosets to "Deployed" status. This would help track how long features take and would take one step out of the process for team membe...
Guest over 5 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Expand the list of available fields in report calculations

There are some fields that are not available in report calculations. It would be great if the list of available fields was expanded. Today I'm specifically looking to add "Release Theme" to a calculation.
Guest 9 months ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Aha Enhancement request for scorecards to allow the window to be maximized

Aha Enhancement request for scorecards to allow the window to be maximized. Currently the scorecard pop-up window can't be maximized. It is a fixed size. It would be helpful to maximize the window to see more content. We have 19 questions on our s...
Karla Johnson 9 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration