My use case: I have existing epics in progress I want to import from Jira and I want to show accurate progress towards these epics based on story points completed. Here is the situation I am running: Create an epic in Jira, and 2 child stories und...
Max Robbins
over 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration
Show unresolved dependencies in retrospective report
When I'm viewing the progress of an active release via the retrospective report, I want to see any open dependencies for features in the release so I can proactively work to address them.
Jeff Tucker
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Allow Reviewers to update existing rows in custom tables
We would like to implement Custom Tables in Releases to collect cross-functional status information from different functional/project teams involved in each release. These teams are not part of product management and would only use Aha! to update ...
Ashton Tsou
over 1 year ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
We would like to create a custom role that controls who can create and edit the following: * custom fields for ideas * custom fields for workspaces * idea portals * ideas layouts * ideas forms layouts * ideas portal layouts * workspace layouts * i...
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
As the release date changes, it's hard to recreate history to figure out what the original date was along with interim dates and the final release date. It's also hard to remember the reasons for a change when it's several months later. I'd like a...
Aldon C
about 9 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
Automatically update features end date by the end date of the release
If the feature will be moved from one release to another release, end date of the feature should be automatically updated by the end date of new release.
Kote Khutsishvili
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
When creating an idea, we have a custom multi-select field. I was able to tab to it and select as expected with 'space' however I was not able to tab out. When using keyboard it is expected that tabbing brings you to the next field instead of sele...