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Workspace types at the family and line levels

Allow workspace types to be applied at the product family and division level to allow for unique workflows at higher levels
Chris Vellucci 6 months ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Improve emails sent from Aha

Short summary As a product manager and Aha account manager, I would like for emails from our Aha account to be sent using the subdomain assigned to our account, so that I can easily differentiate between emails directly related to our work in Aha ...
Harrison Hopkins about 4 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

Ability to select multiple Organizations for proxy voting on Ideas

It would increase efficiency for our customer facing teams to be able to quickly add proxy votes for multiple Organizations as part of adding proxy votes for Ideas.
Jeff Shaffer about 3 years ago in Voting 2 Future consideration

Add the ability to add links to objects in Aha! whiteboards

What is the challenge? I'd like to be able add a link an object (e.g., a note, a shape, etc.) so that when I click on that object, it'll take me to the linked site. This works well for internal links within Aha, but if I wanted to link to an exter...
Guest 6 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Limit initiative selection to 1 for roadmap clarity

What is the challenge? We have a complex product portfolio and like to produce a roadmap view that shows releases attached to initiatives. The problem here is that we end up with a very tangled roadmap with releases or features flowing into multip...
CJ Jacobs 6 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Sort by any field in Prioritization Screen

Who would benefit? Product Managers and Owners What impact would it make? Prioritizing based on more than just custom fields allows us to quickly prioritize the work, rather than manually going through and entering in the priority. How should it w...
Frank S about 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Custom calendar "resolutions"

We operate in a SAFe development organisation and it would be great if we could create our own custom calendar resolution that shows each PI - as an alternative to the current options of Days, Week, Month, Quarters. Requirements: PIs can be set ma...
Mark Gerrard over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 3 Future consideration

Allow sorting of Initiative Time Frame in Reports

Currently, if you include Initiative Time Frame in a Report, you cannot sort by that field. Even being able to do an alpha sort would be helpful. We were forced to create a custom free text field which duplicates Time Frame just to be able to sort...
Greg Aldin over 8 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Allow Reviewers to Change Status and View History on Features and Master Features

Our workflow starts with product management creating a roadmap of features and master features in Aha. Engineering responds by changing the status to "understood", "committed", "will not fit", etc. Seeing the history on that provides a record of w...
Julia Doyle about 6 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Feature Card Print

In general our portfolio workflow involves us managing our backlog in Aha, but then creating a physical board that has all the current and upcoming features on a standup board where all of our team members can gather and discuss. Working only onli...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 5 Unlikely to implement