Custom Email Address ("friendly" email address) for Ideas Portal
It would be helpful and easier for user adoption of the Ideas Portal in our organization of over 1000 employees if we had a custom email address that could be used to submit ideas (or in our case, requests) to the portal. In our organization, many...
Sarra Isabel
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
I'd love to be able to highlight a line of text in a field formatted as a note (description/comment etc) and create a to-do (or even a story/requirement/approval/work request with the highlighted text as the title of the task. It would also be gre...
Nerissa Muijs
almost 3 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
There are frequently changes to organizational structure where many teams need to be moved to different workspaces or moved to account level teams. There is currently no way to bulk update the workspace associated with a team within admin and requ...
Bonnie Trei
over 1 year ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Aha! API Entity Relationship Diagram/Data Model Documentation
Hi Aha! We would like to have a full understanding on how the various Aha! API endpoints ( relate to each other. Understood there is some customer facing documentation that explains the high-level of the Aha! Data Model. The...
Mike Champlin
over 2 years ago
in API
Future consideration
Allow for Proxy voting by only Employee/Partner emails/users
The new proxy voting is something that our sales/services teams have asked for but not something that we can implement at this time. It seems that when turning the feature on any users with access to the private portal (for us this is all of our c...
Jon Kremer
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Ability to create a capacity scenario from an existing scenario or master view
Looking at using the capacity scenario planning, I think it would be ideal if you could start a scenario quickly to determine if it has legs. The current workflow means you have to start from scratch i.e. no values on any initiatives or features w...
Abu Salim
almost 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I need my roadmap to mirror a Kanban priority board (also, Initiatives progress from left to right) What is the impact? Stakeholders are confused when my Initiatives view goes left to right, but my Now, Next, Later view goes...
Gwen St. Pierre
8 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Including in a knowledge base document lengthy text that needs to be available to some users without overwhelming the many users who do not need the text. Including the text is necessary to meet the needs of knowledge base u...
8 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Allow changing the color of the pen tool before drawing
What is the challenge? I couldn't find where to change the color of the pen. What is the impact? I found a way to change the color after drawing with the pen tool, but I need to change it for every single stroke. Describe your idea
Anton Kuzmenko
8 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration