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Adding To Dos to a Notebook

The Idea detail via includes my list of To Dos for that idea I am working on. When I add the Idea Detail to a notebook it does not publish the to do list. My idea is to allow for to dos to be added to a not book by feature, release or idea.
Joe Ross over 8 years ago in Presentations 2 Unlikely to implement

Feature status drives idea status when promoting to an existing feature

When I promote an idea to a new feature, the status of the idea changes to the first one in the workflow that equates to “in progress”. When I promote an idea the an existing feature, however, the status does not change. I think promoting to an ex...
Tom Beck over 5 years ago in Ideas 7 Unlikely to implement

Offline working

Probably technically a nightmare but it would be amazing if I could work offline and sync updates when I get back online (as I become more dependent on AHA - those moments in the middle of nowhere on a train or on planes etc are where I want to be...
Andy Darrant over 8 years ago in Application 4 Unlikely to implement

Clone Ideas and features across multiple products

Many times we come up with ideas that is related to multiple product like .com and mobile. It would be awesome if we could associate one feature and /or idea to multiple products using cloning.
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Allow the Features list view to show Epics

We've started building out our roadmap in Aha! using the Epics functionality. One thing I have found tricky is locating Epics after I've created them, as I can only see them within the context of a Release or Parking Lot. After enabling the "List"...
Guest over 3 years ago in Epic 2 Unlikely to implement

Allow for developer notes/private comments in Feature Cards; only viewed by owners and those working the feature cards

There are conversations our team would like to contain with in a Feature Cards that are only viewed by our team members.
Carolee Snarr almost 4 years ago in Comments / Notifications / Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Arbitrary sorting in reports, using values of data in row or column headers

It is awesome to see greater sorting features released (e.g. Thank you. Unfortunately that update doesn't solve one of my sorting needs. I have a timeline report, in which I visualise release names and ...
Nick Mariette almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to filter reports on release template

I'd like to see all the open releases associated with a specific release template, as of right now this not possible as they are all named different things.
Guest over 5 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Ability to enter 'time logged' quicker and easier across multiple features, releases, products etc

Hi As we are moving more towards Aha time tracking facility, would it be possible to have a quicker/simpler way to enter time. Currently the team log time in 1 hour increments and with upto 8-10 hours a day, this can be upto 8-10 feature cards th...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Proxy Voting: Public Portal Use

It would be great if we could use proxy voting on a public facing ideas portal but have the proxy voting display only for internal users (i.e., like a private comment). Our use case is that we run a system with multiple versions of an application ...
Elizabeth Wakefield almost 4 years ago in Voting 4 Unlikely to implement