Increase Dashboard Panel Limit: Add Extra Panels for Titles and Separators Beyond the 10-Panel Cap
What is the challenge? Limits the report visiualization What is the impact? More dashbiard creation need and resource confusion Describe your idea Please allow the addition of extra panels specifically for titles and separators, without being cons...
Basak B Klumph
4 months ago
in Reports
Already exists
BUG: Release statuses are not sticking in roadmap view
What is the challenge? I update the status of a release in the roadmap view and within a minute or so it reverts to showing as "under consideration" which appears to be the default view. What is the impact? Not accurately reflecting the state of a...
Include integration mapping details in integration reporting
We want to automate the documentation of all of our integration points (integration to Jira). We would like to see not only the integration name, rather we would like to see the specifics field mapping information , direction of integration etc...
Ability to format (add a WYSIWYG) column descriptions of Now, Next, Later roadmap
What is the challenge? I want to include hyperlinks and use bold and italic formatting to the column description of the Now, Next, Later roadmap so we can emphasize certain things and create links to related documentation. What is the impact? This...
9 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
The new search functionality returns too many results when searching for multiple keywords
Who would benefit? All users with a large number of ideas including others in my organization who have struggled with this. What impact would it make? After using aha for 6 years this is the single most harmful change to my personal productivity w...
Claire A
about 1 year ago
in Search
Future consideration
Enable Aha! record relationships custom fields in the Idea form or idea portal display.
We need a single portal product for people to submit their requests related for multiple products. We need to include a drop-down list of available products for people to choose.
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
I have confirmed with AHA support, assuming both idea and feature uses same scorecard, the idea score will propagate to promoted feature score. However, subsequent updates to either the idea score or feature score are not synced.
Brian W
over 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
You can change the row background and the column header background for a pivot, but they both use the same value for the text colour. This means some combinations of the two backgrounds will not work together because the text will not be easily vi...
Jonathan Steel
over 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Add "Workflow approval groups" in workspace settings to reporting
Who would benefit? people like myself that administer Aha! to my organization What impact would it make? easier to check the ingrity of these reviewers to ensure our most critical workflows are being managed properly How should it work? like other...
Kim Heuer
about 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Our organization has multiple prioritization views saved for our ideas and multiple people make changes to these views over time. We would like to view the history or an audit trail of these changes to the prioritization view (e.g. when someone ch...
Jon Ragsdale
about 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration