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Report To-Dos at All Levels in Roadmap Pivot

To-Dos can be defined at different levels of Work Items. Pivot reports should let you have this differentiation to show across all levels based on the report configuration. We would like to show the To-Dos associated with a Release, then the Featu...
Andrew Brazel over 2 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Fix search bar on history search screen

I can only search 1 word with no spaces on the history search screen. For example when I search for the phrase "End Date" quotes or no quotes I do not get any hits, but If I just search on "End" then I get results for "End Date"
Jerome D over 2 years ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Initiative "Status" Changes Based on "Duration Start/End" Date

Is it possible for the “Status” to change automatically based on “Duration Start/End” dates? For example, if an initiative’s status is currently set as “On Track”, but the duration end date is a week away, could status automatically change to “At ...
Guest about 8 years ago in Application 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow a default value setup for Organization on proxy voting form

It is not always we can have an organization for a proxy vote. If we cannot remove this as a required field on the proxy vote, we need to at least have the option to set a default value for Organization.
Jyothirmayi Talaparthy over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Ability to move default required fields on a layout

Currently the default required fields for a layout like 'Organization' and 'idea name' as the first field at the top of an ideas layout. We have usecases where other fields like idea categories to be places before the idea name after the workspace...
Jyothirmayi Talaparthy over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Customise Report - Color by field

We can customise the "color by" in roadmaps and pivots by most of our feature fields EXCEPT the color assigned to the Feature. Can this be added to the options?
Pip Staton over 2 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

I want to see 120 days of releases starting from 30 days ago

I would the ability to ad custom data filters on my saved views. For example, if it is February 5, 2017, I want to see all of January, all of February, as well as all of March and April. And for other view I want to see 1 month prior and 6 months ...
Guest about 8 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Ability to keep an initiative or goal from being used

Need ability to keep initiatives and goals accessible for reporting - especially as we cross over years; but, need to keep folks from using them. It seems if we keep them from using them we can report on them which is the problem we are needing to...
Karie Kelly over 2 years ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Admin should see all reports

Admins need to be able to see and edit all reports. All too often, someone may leave or not available and a report needs to be updated; however, because the original owner restricted it to be view only, we end up creating another report in order t...
Karie Kelly over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Show Custom Scorecard Values to Viewers.

We are trying to create a custom scorecard to help with next year's planning. We need to socialized the formula, the weights and what the scores mean. I'd like a way to download the scorecard creation screen to a PDF or a CSV--or just a better vie...
Guest over 2 years ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration