Update Now, Then, Later Roadmap to Remove Old Features
What is the challenge? Now, Then, Later Roadmap doesn't auto-hide "old" features, capabilities, etc. that are no longer relevant. It only allows you to enable a "rolling" X days from now or older. While you can subsequently add a "feature due date...
6 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Make admin access multi-level by organization/product line
We have multiple organizations/Business Units/Groups with their own product line in the hierarchy. We would like to be able to make them admin of just that area so that they can make the customizations they need without negatively impacting produc...
Marina Reyna
over 6 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Often settings like layouts, terminology, and navigation for parent lines may be purposefully different than workspaces. It would be helpful to drive standards for lines by allowing templates to be applied at those hierarchy levels. A few examples...
Jeanette Resnikoff
over 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
When copying a release, we need the ability to opt-in (or out) of copying features as well.
We plan major releases on a quarterly basis. Once we finish overall quarterly planning under the quarterly release in Aha!, we copy the make a copy of the major release to create 2 minor releases as well to ultimately create a monthly release sche...
Claire A
over 1 year ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Support Decimals for "Total People" Field Used in Team Capacity Planning
As a user of the Team Capacity Planning feature set, I would like to enter decimal values in the Total People field for each Team, so that the true capacity for each team (e.g. 1.5 FTE) is precisely accounted in capacity assessments. Fractional te...
My org's hierarchy is huge; and to reduce the amount of administration all user have the ability to (at least) see everything. It would be great if I could "favorite" or "star" or "pin" products and lines from the hierarchy so that I can always ge...
about 6 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Using filters dynamically based on logged on user attributes (in reports)
What is the challenge? A user may belong to an organisation that has particular attributes assigned using custom fields. It would be useful if filters on reports (thing a portal) could be preset based on these attributes What is the impact? When u...
Martin W
about 2 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Everyone, potentially, but mostly people who administer Aha for teams or groups What impact would it make? It would allow users to more easily access items they've created, favorited, interacted with, etc. regardless of what wor...
Jordan Faulds
8 months ago
in My work
Future consideration
Add ability to define timeframe by multiple quarters for Now, Next, Later Roadmap
Who would benefit? Any user who is using the Now, Next, Later roadmap and defines their timeframes by quarter. What impact would it make? This would enable additional flexibility for more 'ambiguous' timeframes (i.e Next) How should it work? Allow...
Ashley Tierney
8 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Please update the Research tab so that it can be configurable. We don't want to clutter our layouts with adverts like "Try Ideas Advanced." Also please make it possible to remove the tab from the layout.
Nerissa Muijs
over 1 year ago
in Application
Future consideration