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Show required fields in integration mapping

When setting up an integration, it would be helpful to have a way to be prompted to map required fields in Jira. Currently, it is possible to create an integration that does not have field mappings for required fields in Jira. This causes the inte...
Madeleine Black over 1 year ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Do not allow requirements to be mapped without a Links To relationship set

It is possible to create an integration where you have requirements mapped to a Jira record type, and where you have no Links To relationship established to a parent record in Aha! This results in import errors where requirements cannot be importe...
Madeleine Black over 1 year ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Iteration to Release not Retaining Parent Relationship with other Records (AzDo Integration)

Who would benefit? Aha users What impact would it make? Elimination of lost records (Azdo integration) How should it work? When using iteration to release, the integration would look at the area path of that record as well as the iteration path. S...
Guest 2 months ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Gitlab - Connect Master Features to Epics, and more

As one more request to improve connection between Aha and Gitlab :) We need better integration between Master Feature, Features and Requirements of Aha to Epics and Issues of Gitlab. A sample could be Master Features -> Epics and Features/Requi...
Fabio Brito over 3 years ago in Integrations 3 Future consideration

Show name of user whose token is being used in ADO integration

Who would benefit? Admins of accounts with ADO integrations What impact would it make? When an ADO integration is created, a user with the correct permissions must enter their token to authenticate the integration. However, the token owner's name ...
Bonnie Trei 8 months ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Zendesk integration supports custom layout on ideas

Is it possible to have a custom field visible on the zendesk create idea/link form? We are starting to using a custom tag field to help identify product components. It would greatly help if we could apply categories and custom field information wh...
Guest about 7 years ago in Integrations 8 Future consideration

Add Actionable Agile into your dev product

Who would benefit? anyone using Kanban and want's accurate process measurements What impact would it make? Better insights into the flow of work in your system, better forecasting of future work without having to ever ask for estimates that are mo...
Mike Lowery 3 months ago in Wanted 0 Future consideration

Integrating with a specific Jira board

It would be helpful if we could use the Jira integration to send features to a specific board. We have several dev teams working within a single project, but they utilize different broads. We would like to send a feature to open a record is a spec...
Reut Levi over 1 year ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Integration with Airtable

We're going to start using Aha! on our product team, and we use Airtable for our dev tasks -- would be great to have the ability to connect items in here with tasks/projects/epics in Airtable.
Guest over 5 years ago in Wanted 5 Future consideration

Jira integration user name

In both Jira and Aha!, you need to have a user that has the appropriate permissions which is often a highly privileged user. However, when setting up the integration, there is no way to indicate an alias name to use for the integration. Consequent...
Karie Kelly almost 2 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration