User Story Map - Display release order by release date
The order in which the releases are displayed in the list user story map is not intuitive. Ideally it would be by the release date. (Note: its not obvious what the current order is, possibly the order in which the release was added to the map.)
Darrell Massie
over 5 years ago
in User story map
When a release is deleted, it should automatically fall off the user story map. Today, the ghost of the release stays on the map and has to be explicitly deleted.
give warning before moving features to a new release
I added a release to a user story map, and moved around my features into the columns. I a clumsy attempt to add in an existing release, I clicked the floating "add release" button, and it moved all of my features to the new, undefined release. no ...
User story map: be able to add more Master Features to a Step without having to first add a column
You can only seem to add multiple Master Features for the Step on the rightmost Step. Currently, a user needs to first add a new column before being able to add a Master Feature to a Step.
Create a "draft" version of the user story map before creating real records
I really like the new user story map feature! Something that would make it even better for me would be to remove the functionality where it automatically creates master features and features for everything added to the user story map. Early in the...
Need the ability to apply an updated Release Template to an existing release
Currently, the Release Template for Phases and Milestones only applies to new releases created and there is no way to apply a Release Template to an existing release, or to update an existing release with a new/updated Release Template. This would...
Single view to define goals /metrics, initiatives, and features and establish relationships between each
What I'm really looking for is one location where I can define overall goals (and associated metrics), define initiatives underneath each goal (but in a format where I can see all goals) along with metrics, and then start defining features underne...
I would like to be able to have a user story mapping tool added to aha. This is useful in that it enables us to see what a priority of a release would be and what is a minimum viable product versus what would be added to a later sprint.
This would...