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My ideas: Features

Showing 266

Bulk edit epic date range calculation

Currently when you bulk edit epics from a list report there is no option to update the calculation method for the date range. This does exist for features so it seems like it should exist for epics too.
Biplab Panda 3 months ago in Features 0 Shipped

Include Create Object Option under related tab on Phases

What is the challenge? Within the Aha! UI, all objects (Features, Epics, etc) include the ability to link to an existing object, or create a new object from the related tab. Except for Phases, which do not offer this option. What is the impact? Th...
Michael Kirk 7 months ago in Features 0 Shipped

Hide key results section on features, epics, etc.

Currently, users have the option to show or hide sections on the related tab but they do not have the ability to hide the key results section on features, epics, initiatives, etc. Users should be able to opt to hide and show the key results sectio...
Stephanie Redl 8 months ago in Features 1 Shipped

Features on a roadmap can show a link to related ideas in the portal

I would just like to have the ability add that as a field to any of the cards on the roadmap. If it has an originating idea, then the idea number would appear, if not, it would be blank. If the customer clicks on the idea record, it could take the...
Guest 9 months ago in Features / Ideas 1 Shipped

Tags added to new requirements disappear when you click "Save requirement" and have to be added again. Please fix this bug if possible..

What is the challenge? Tags to new requirements disappear when you save the requirement. How would you solve it? Given the option to add tags before saving new requirements is there these tags should still be there after the requirement i saved. W...
Guest 11 months ago in Features 0 Shipped

Fix typos in Stories prioritization views on button and confirmation

What is the challenge? The word "Storys" should be stories How would you solve it? Correct the spelling What impact would it make? Very low, but visually pleasing
Nicole Downes 11 months ago in Features 1 Shipped

Auto-refresh for custom worksheets w/ 200+ dependencies

Who would benefit? Customers using custom worksheets with 200+ dependencies in formulas What impact would it make? If a custom worksheet is modified, the auto-refresh to update records does not take place if there are 200+ dependencies within the ...
Brittany Rhoney over 1 year ago in Dependencies / Features / Reports 1 Shipped

Gantt Chart circle check-mark status is confusing

Who would benefit? PM's and business stakeholders viewing Gantt Roadmap view What impact would it make? No need to create custom reports. Useability - currently too many fields to update to make Gantt view show "accurate" information How should it...
Donald Hebert over 1 year ago in Features 0 Shipped

copy to-do's

I really need to copy to-do's. I know you can copy from other features but these features already exist and have different groups of to-do's
Guest over 1 year ago in Features 0 Shipped

Display user's email address when searching in all user fields

You recently released an update to "Assigned to" and "Watcher" fields so that a user's email address shows when searching for users. Please extend this capability to all user fields.
Nathaniel Collum over 1 year ago in Features 1 Shipped