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Created by Guest
Created on Mar 22, 2015

Share every artifact created

As soon as a team member creates a new artifact like a new Goal, Idea, Strategy, Notebook or Release, a Notification or Share Now (with options of Entire team or some) button, if appears after Save, will be extremely useful and enhance communication rather than Add Watcher.

  • Attach files
  • Ron Yang
    Nov 6, 2015

    Watchers are an excellent way to help teams stay in-the-know on key areas which matter most to them. This helps to eliminate the noise on various other areas of the product which might not be quite as relevant to other team members.

    For key information which is important for team members to immediately know about, we do have the ability to immediately send an email update to watchers.

    We feel that this is the best way to communicate with team members and do not plan to change this functionality to increase the amount of emails/communication sent to team members.