It would be nice if I could customize what a day means in actual hours so that when our work integrates with JIRA it doesn't blow up the hours the wrong way.
For example - a day for us means 10 hours of work. However, I can't customize that so when a day is sent across from Aha to JIRA it immediately logs 24 hours, therefore causing my engineers to see bizarre estimates on their side. I'd love to be able to control this. It's causing a lot of angst among the team.
We just launched a major update to capacity planning! Here’s what’s new:
Set your hours per day: Customize the number of hours in a workday for your entire account.
Configure it in Account > Capacity planning
All time-based estimates will automatically adjust (e.g., setting 4h/day converts a “4h” estimate to “1d”)
The capacity report will respect your settings, ensuring accurate planning
This update also improves how Aha! Roadmaps syncs with Jira’s time-tracking settings.
Set your hours per day in both Jira and Aha! Roadmaps
Ensure they match!
Once aligned, any integration configured to sync estimates will seamlessly display consistent values across both systems
Please reach out to us at if you need any help getting started.
So close! Why is this a global setting when even in the comments below the problem is described that hours-per-day can be different with different teams, not to mention if you have to integrate to multiple Jira instances with different hours-per-day values. If I want all the teams to use the same values, I can make that happen; but if I want them to have different values, I'm restricted by this implementation. Another reason to not consolidate Aha! instances across a large enterprise.
I'm currently tasked with exploring this feature. Not sure this will get addressed in time for me to actually make use of this feature. I may need to pivot to a different tool for capacity planning. This is a huge blocker. Available capacity for us that can be applied to the project is around 6 hour days Mon-Thu and 3 hour days on Fri. Unfortunately, the feature as it currently exists is a bit too restrictive.
Since the last comments here are from years ago, I'm probably not going to hold my breath on this one.
We have gone to enterprise+ as we thought one of the benefits was customizing hrs in the work day. You can as far as capacity goes, but then the Aha reports convert hrs back to an "Aha Day" which is 8 hrs. A tad frustrating to find this out now.
Lots of votes since 2015 and a pretty easy fix in phase 1; setting = show Est as hrs only. In other words, just turn off the conversion Aha does. I'd be happy with this :)
Phase II, allow us to set the hrs at the global or product level.
For correct planning we actually use an equation to work out the capacity of each team ; for some teams its as low as 21.25hrs out of 37.5hrs in a week due to a high BAU, training, holidays etc... so in reality if we think a task is going to take 100hrs; to us thats more like 5 weeks not 3.
** I love Aha and find it hard to critisise, however this issue pretty much makes the estimating useless, and of course my roadmap planning a hell of a lot harder (we use spreadsheets now to overcome this... grrr... )
In Finland for very many companies a standard working day is not 8 hrs. In our company day is 7.5hrs
The configuration for productive hours in a day should equal the flexibility shared in applications that Aha integrates with. When your estimations are done in Jira, and in Jira working days are considered to have 6 hours of true productivity allowing for meetings/breaks - there is conflict when you then run a Jira integration through to Aha! as an 8 day task in Jira is synced as a 6 day task in Aha. This in turn leads to over-optimistic planning and forecasting in Aha, (perceiving days to be productively longer and features to be delivered sooner), which in turn leads to disappointment and perceived 'delays' in feature delivery.
Important for accurate reporting on effort and work done.
Couldn't agree more. Much our capacity planning is done in hours and would like the ability to view the hours on a given feature rather than viewing the days. Providing an option for the resolution would be extremely helpful.
Agreed, we also find we are needing this because Aha! automatically converts from days to hours and vice versa in certain circumstances and realistically with meetings, and various other general things that go on in a day not every team gets 8 productive hours.
Setting the number of productive hours in an engineer's day would be a huge benefit
Even better if could be able to estimate hours per day capacity for each project!