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Created by Chris Waters
Created on Jan 9, 2015

Allow parking lot to be optionally displayed in the feature board and notebooks

Currently we can't display the full feature board including parking lot items into a notebook.

It would be great to have the option to display:
1. full feature board including parking lot items
2. Feature board excluding parking lot items
3. Feature board only with Parking lot items.

Would also be ideal to be able to select which releases are displayed in a notebook. Some of our projects can have upto 15 releases and we only want 1 or 2 selective ones displayed.

    Oct 11, 2017

    We plan to add the ability to optionally publish the parking lots when publishing the feature board.


    To be able to filter the releases that are displayed on the feature board please vote for and subscribe to this idea: . We won't implement filtering as part of this idea.


    The parking lot now has a collapse arrow and an expand arrow. Please see screen shots. When you can see parking lots and you add this screen to a notebook, the notebook page will display all releases with the parking lot to the right. When you collapse the parking lot and add to a notebook, you will not see the parking lot in the notebook.

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    • Guest
      Jan 30, 2015


      Thank you so much and look forward to the additional changes also.

      This helps us a lot.

      *Daniela Patterson*
      Project Manager

      *A Platinum Partner*
      Level 4, 39 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000
      *M* +61 447 770 855

      On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 11:35 AM, Aha! - Chris Waters <> wrote:

      > [image: Logo for Share your best ideas with the team!]
      > Chris Waters responded to idea APP-I-696 Allow parking lot to be
      > optionally displayed in the feature board and notebooks
      > *Chris Waters* 4:35pm
      > There is currently no way to show only the parking lots. Though we do
      > still plan to address the related feature require to allow you to choose
      > to filter releases on the feature board, which would allow this.
      > *Daniela.patterson* 4:29pm
      > That works. Didn't know the instructions of how to make them
      > appear/disappear.
      > Is there any way of only having Parking lot items appear in the Notebook?
      > Just checking
      > *Chris Waters* 4:25pm
      > If you collapse the parking lots *before* adding the feature board to a
      > notebook, the notebook will not include the parking lots.
      > *Daniela.patterson* 4:21pm
      > Not sure if this email was received but if you could see my comments. The
      > change that has been applied actually is not going work as Parking lot
      > items will always appear now.
      > Any chance of changing it to selecting if they should/should not appear
      > (as
      > per original request), else I would say reverting back to old way for now
      > as this doesn't help the situation.
      > *Daniela.patterson* Jan 14
      > Thanks for adding parking lot to feature board. Filtering would have been
      > great as some projects have more than 15 releases. Maybe in the future.
      > View Idea
      > You're receiving this because you subscribed for updates on this idea. Unsubscribe
      > here.

    • Admin
      Chris Waters
      Jan 30, 2015

      There is currently no way to show only the parking lots. Though we do still plan to address the related feature require to allow you to choose to filter releases on the feature board, which would allow this.

    • Guest
      Jan 30, 2015

      That works. Didn't know the instructions of how to make them 


      Is there any way of only having Parking lot items appear in the Notebook?
      Just checking

    • Admin
      Chris Waters
      Jan 30, 2015

      If you collapse the parking lots before adding the feature board to a notebook, the notebook will not include the parking lots.

    • Guest
      Jan 30, 2015

      Not sure if this email was received but if you could see my comments. The 

      change that has been applied actually is not going work as Parking lot
      items will always appear now.

      Any chance of changing it to selecting if they should/should not appear (as
      per original request), else I would say reverting back to old way for now
      as this doesn't help the situation.

    • Guest
      Jan 14, 2015

      Thanks for adding parking lot to feature board.  Filtering would have been great as some projects have more than 15 releases.  Maybe in the future.