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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Account settings
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 24, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-3253 As a PM I would like to add badging capabilities to give incentive to external customers and prospective customers to submit new ideas and comment on existing ideas logged in AHA..

Users receive "Kudos" for submitting ideas and responding to comments/ todos. Merged

There should be some incentive for users to respond to comments, complete todos and add new ideas. This could be in the form of points, points could give the user (be it admin, reviewer, viewer or portal user) a status or level. Taking a lead from the Jedi, this could be as simple as. Of course if the levels were configurable, that would be even better:

  • Youngling.
  • Padawan.
  • Knight.
  • Master.
  • Grand Master.