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Release Owner Sync to Non-Version JIRA Ticket Type as Assignee in 2.0 Integrations

Allow the Release Owner to be sync to JIRA ticket as Assignee for JIRA ticket types like Epics. 

User Case Scenario

Releases as they have a timeline and show prominently on the Aha! Release Chart, they are use to timeline/roadmap tasks. When collaboration is required across multiple departments/teams, we sync Release to JIRA Epics so that more people can collaborate on such releases. 

Thus, Version in JIRA is not a suitable syncing type to Aha! Releases because of the collaboration. 

And in Collaboration, we need to know who is the Coordinating Personnel/Owner of the work. Thus, the request of Aha! Release Owner to be able to sync to JIRA Assignee.

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    • Dan Jeffery
      Sep 2, 2019

      We need this for our integration with ADO also. We can map a user at a Master Feature and Feature level but we can't map at a Release level. What makes it even stranger is that I can create a custom identity field on a Release card and map this to ADO so why not the standard identify field?