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Created by Bernadette Headd-Williams
Created on Aug 23, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-8269 Add URL for idea portal in dataset.

Extend list view to include "Idea URL (portal)"

It is currently already possible to display:

Idea portal URL (links to portal home page)

Idea URL (links to main AHA! application)

as a column on the Idea list view. 

It would be useful to be able to add a link to the idea in the portal.Our approval process involves multiple stakeholders, many of whom do not have access to the main Aha! application. I provide them with a list of ideas to be discussed ahead of our review calls and it would be time saving for me to be able to send a list including the link to the idea on the portal rather than for me to have to manually append this information.  

    Apr 20, 2023

    A new column called "Idea URL in submitted portal" is available in ideas reports. This column will show a link to the idea in the portal where it was submitted.

    Alternatively, you may sometimes want to point an idea link to a different portal, or perhaps the idea was not submitted through a portal at all. Now you can add a calculated column to your report to construct the desired URL and it will be a clickable link in the shared report. For example, ""+field("Idea reference").

  • Andrea Hewins
    Dec 1, 2022

    This would be really useful, can sort of do it by calculated fields but it's not a link. A link is available if the idea was created through the portal but not if it was created internally but shared to the portal which is mad!

  • Guest
    Feb 4, 2022

    Obvious, low lift feature that would increase engagement with the portal for our company

  • Yancey Larochelle-Williams
    Oct 26, 2021

    Another use case would be that we could publish that URL to internal portals for people to consult when discussing with their customers. This is immensely practical and can cut down on the internal team confusion between portal URLs.

  • Guest
    Jun 15, 2021

    This should have already been implemented! Aha team, please look into this, adding a colum to the lists where we can link to the idea URL in the portal is a must!

  • Shri Iyer
    Aug 21, 2020

    With the launch of proxy voting that helps adopt an internal ideas portal, this enhancement is a must have. Like others have stated, our internal stakeholders don't have access to the aha application. I also don't want them to log in to aha and mess around. It would be helpful to share the ideas portal url with the internal stakeholders so that they can click on the link and view the idea, status and comments on the ideas portal.

  • Guest
    Mar 21, 2020

    Big +1, definitely a great enhancement in order to present a public webpage to the organization showing which of their ideas are in a likely to implement or planned state, demonstrating that their voices are heard just as much as our customers'.

  • Yancey Larochelle-Williams
    Jan 21, 2020

    This is also valuable in workflows where PMs are sharing their roadmaps for validation with customers. They can easily jump to the idea and see the conversation happening as opposed to the painful process now of having to try to copy it out (and not have the slides advance automatically) and the paste it in the portal. Will watch this one with interest.

  • Guest
    Jan 19, 2019

    This would be particularly valuable for reports shared via notebooks where the primary report viewer is not an Aha! user but needs to view additional record information in the portal quickly.