Other reports like Pivot and List can be exported to Excel or csv, but the hierarchy report does not have that option. Would be useful to add it for folks who are used to viewing it in this way.
Thank you for the idea. Given the low volume of support for this idea, we do not have plans to make updates in this area at this time.
As a strategy leader I need to be able to see and analyze the connection between layers of initiatives, goals and the releases and features connected to them. The hierarchy report, while improved in recent months, is limited in its ability to sort, to add up values like in a pivot and to format e.g. top alignment of text in the cells.
The report is also essentially unexportable in PDF at any significant scale (I have ~20 company strategic initiatives with ~70 children who in turn have ~500 children and >6k features underneath that) with the PDF/table cell pagination issues and the label for cells being center aligned, it's unusable.
While we could request enhancements to the built-in report, adding an export feature would be a good work around for layout, printing, mathematics and sharing with those reluctant to use Aha natively.
One other key point: as best I can tell this is the one and only place in Aha where I can see 3 or more layers of hierarchy on one screen. And even in pivot reports I am limited to the name of the parent roll-up initiative only, with no ability to pull in other info about the parent. There is also no way I know of in a pivot report to display child initiatives even though you can pull in "record links" to show dependencies.