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Status Future consideration
Categories Jira
Created by Elizabeth Karam
Created on Mar 3, 2018

Link user stories (requirements) in JIRA when under the same epic (feature)

We have features in Aha mapped to epics in JIRA, and then requirements mapped to user stories. I'd like the user stories in JIRA that I send over to automatically include links to their sister stories under the same epic, so that developers can easily see the related tickets when developing, providing estimates, etc. I end up manually creating those links, which takes time. 

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    • joel blackmore
      Jan 30, 2020

      Where does confluence fit in this process for you? Asking as we have the same setup and I'm trying to understand this same flow of information. 

    • Daniel Pokrývka
      Jul 30, 2018

      Hello Elizabeth, why can't your developers get the same level of overview by looking at the epic itself? We link Jira to aha the same way you do and truth be told.. DEVs work mostly in Jira, not Aha. So my second question is, how come a DEV working on a story in Jira has tendency to go into aha to find this info instead of clicking on Jira epic link?? Sorry for suggestive questions, but honestly surprised.. :-)