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Status Already exists
Categories Jira
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 12, 2018
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-2492 Allow the JIRA integration to support mapping to more than one JIRA issue type and in Aha provide the ability to select the JIRA issue type to sync with.

Enable creation of issues in Jira based on Feature & Feature Type so that Feature can be mapped to different Jira issue types

Would like ability to create more then one type of issue in Jira from a Feature in Aha.  This would be useful to enable creation of Bugs and Spikes as formal issue types in Jira, while also tracking them accurately in Aha!.  Essentially a one to many mapping of Aha Features to Jira Issues.  Aha Features could then map to User Stories, and a few other issue types in Jira.  Aha! would still be used as the initiator of the Feature, and once linked to Jira issue, updates would flow.