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Created by Guest
Created on Dec 1, 2017

SLA Tracking for Ideas

Hi Aha! It's super important for us to track how long it takes a Product Manager to respond to an Idea. We have an SLA of 48hrs and JIRA Service Desk allows us to track, visualize in the ticket, and report on how long a it took them to respond & how long it was open. 

Would love to see this happen in Aha

    Dec 18, 2020

    It is now possible to create a dashboard in Aha! showing idea SLAs. Create a report that shows columns for the date that an idea was created and the dates that it moved into other statuses. Then you can use a calculated column to show the days between those status changes. Turn this into a chart to show the average and add to a dashboard. Please reach out to for any assistance setting this up.

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  • Cavelle Benjamin
    Dec 15, 2020

    Has there been movement here? Visibility on performance to SLAs is critical for leadership to see.

  • Paul Ruddick
    Sep 17, 2020

    Aha! went through Dashboard functionality last night and they actually mentioned they've managed to make an SLA Tracker using Calculated Fields (fx). If Aha could link us to a guide on how to set recreate this that would be great

  • Derek Kiely
    Feb 27, 2019


  • Guest
    Dec 11, 2018

    Has there been any update to this Idea in the past year? I strongly support the additional reporting metrics below as well!

  • Mark Evans
    Jul 5, 2018

    We have a response SLA too, this would help massively 

  • Mark Brown
    Feb 20, 2018

    I'm wanting to track time in stages for ideas to help us improve flow through the ideas lifecycle..

    I have a field which captures the date an idea was moved into a status, but I want to know how long they have been in the current status for, and an average time in status [across all ideas] - this will give us an effective measure to use going forward..

  • Guest
    Jan 23, 2018

    This is an invaluable aspect to report when you are trying to measure against SLAs, etc. I believe the releases utilize code that can be modified to allow a report to show different timeframes for:
    > Days until promoted
    > Days in backlog
    > Days Open

  • Guest
    Jan 23, 2018

    this is a great idea. please help us 

  • Guest
    Jan 23, 2018

    Want to add to this request, is there a possibility to add in a tracker of how many days a AHA ticket or request Idea stays open? We want to run a burn report to show how long it takes on avg for a request to be open and then closed. So having something that tracks the days a ticket is open untill status is marked done. then have the final days open number for that ticket. 


Allow reports to show number of days since idea created and number of days since last activity

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Guest about 7 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Standard Report: Time between Actions

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Guest almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Ideas Reviewed date

In our Product organization we have an SLA with the rest of the company to review new ideas within 30 days. Currently there is no way to track how many days in between submission and reviewed. Basically would like a data point of when an idea was ...
Dan Fiore over 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped