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Update Google Drive integration to be able to view G Suite's Team Drives

We converted our Product shared folder to a Product Team Drive ( but now it's not showing up in the available folders to choose from.

  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Guest
      Oct 27, 2022

      This is a natural next step and would be a big help. I work around by copying and pasting links into comments. That's OK but sub-optimal. Thank you for considering this enhancement!

    • Guest
      May 5, 2022

      Our business uses Gsuite for everything, and our files are in Google drive. Having to store files separately to a local drive just to be able to upload an attachment is going to be an inhibitor to me being able to advocate for more of our team(s) to use Aha over Jira for creating and storing product development requirements, because a lot of our requirements reference files.

    • Jennifer Briden
      Jan 4, 2022

      I need to be able to attach folders from both Team drives and from Shared drives.

      We are considering using attached Google Drive files into Features so that we use the Docs to define our PRDs in a central shared location in Drive.

      Presently, this is an adoption blocker for us and we'll need to create a custom field to link to the PRD, which will assume that there is only one document with supporting information.

    • Germán Larraín
      Feb 19, 2021

      We are getting started with Aha! and we've unfortunately run into this long ignored critical limitation that is not mentioned neither in the Google Drive integration page nor in its associated support article; files from Shared Drives can not be imported!

      This is absolutely critical for us and for all companies that use Google Drive appropriately; all of our internal files, documents, records, etc, are in Shared Drives (as they should according to Google guidelines), not in employees individual Drives.

      This needs to be fixed ASAP. In the meantime, Aha must add this limitation to the corresponding web pages.

    • Nora Hughes
      Jul 15, 2020

      our team can't leverage the integration because it only supports google drive, not team drives. We'd really like for the integration to be update d to support G Suite Team drives

    • Guest
      Feb 10, 2020

      We enjoy the integration of Aha and Google but with multiple projects going on in team drives, it is really difficult to have to move files in and out of my drive just to attach a file in Aha.  Please consider fixing this issue as quickly as possible.  Thanks!

    • Guest
      Nov 1, 2019

      My company doesn't really use "My Drive" and sharing docs, but rather everything in team drives. So any docs we would want to share with Aha, we can't.

    • Andrew Arwas
      Jul 26, 2019

      Shared / Team Drive integration is critical and has become something of a showstopper for us. We use Shared Drives to manage sharing of large numbers of documents with chosen individuals within our company and selected partners. Basically we now have a choice between not sharing such documents via Aha or making a copy into someone's My Drive. Both options are unworkable, especially at scale.
      This should be a top priority to address please!

    • Guest
      Apr 18, 2019

      This is a critical functional and security feature for a gsuite business. One: use of the team drive to store and control access to company artifacts is, well, obvious. Two: prevention of corporate documents leaking to personal drives... Which means the integration needs to preclude the use of non admin authorised gdrives to avoid encouraging poor security behavior by users. Three: tracking of access is enabled on the gsuite side. Four: the workaround of individually per user configuring gdrive folders in personal folders is unintuitive and basically a hack as well as a burden on the user. 

      Please fix soonest. The security aspect of this is problematic for us. 




    4 MERGED

    Attach Files from a Google Drive Team Folder

    As an organization, we use Team Drives in Google to manage it all and make sure everyone has access to all the files they need and we're not relying on someone to remember to share something with someone. Files in team drives don't appear to be at...
    Guest about 5 years ago in Integrations 2 Future consideration