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Add initiative status to child initiatives displayed in "Contains initiatives" section of Initiative Detail view

From a company level initiative roadmap report it takes many clicks to check which of a set of child initiatives as the "red" status that had turned the parent initiative red (not automatically but manually maintained).

Adding the Status field for objects shown in the Contains section of a Detail view would make this much easier.

Release time frame 1 month
    Feb 22, 2024

    You can now customize the "Related" tab to add, remove, or rearrange the data columns presented in each table.

    This is done by editing the record's custom layout.

  • Attach files
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    • Guest
      Oct 10, 2017

      I like the idea, let's do it :) 

    • Paul Edge
      Oct 7, 2017

      Added screen shot to illustrate (and wondered why I couldn't do that when submitting the idea in the first place)

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