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I’d like the ability to rank my features in the Feature List view not just the Feature Board view.

Ranking in the Feature List provides more real estate which will speed up the prioritization process.

    Apr 26, 2023

    New prioritization pages for scoring and ranking work

    You can now estimate the value of multiple features in one view. Quickly update scorecard metrics inline and rank items in priority order — so you can move ahead with confidence.

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    • Mousa Mitwasi
      May 10, 2021

      I see that this is an old idea that is "unlikely to implement" so wondering if there is current considerations on implementing something similar. We work with initiatives that impact multiple products and there is a need to rank features and epics for a given initiative, so ability to rank them from a list (regardless how this list is created) would solve for that. Rally has a sophisticated ranking capability that allows you to do rank in a list regardless of the filtering on this list. This ranking is extremely useful and is used extensively. Might want to look into that.

    • Guest
      May 8, 2020

      Folks, please try ranking a 300-500 ranking backlog in a board view. Are you able to get it ranked effectively? When we are talking about a list, we are talking pure backlog, outside the context of any release.
      The parking lot in the board view shows on up to 8 features at once. Scrolling back and forth to get through a long list just isn't possible.

    • Susu Adriaens
      Mar 19, 2020

      I'll also add that for us, it's easier to rank the items if we can look at the full details of them. Yes, I can click on a master feature or feature from the board and see the details, but there's a lot more scrolling involved aaaand the flyover details of the feature cover up the rest of the parking lot.

      For me, I just want to rank the parking lot(s) in the detail view. Ranking features in releases works fine from the board view.

    • C Gordon
      May 31, 2018


      I'll give some feedback. I have over 250 items in a parking lot release on my feature board (it is my backlog list). The sorting isn't that functional when you have that many items. When I worked in AgileZen in my previous job, I could manage my backlog in a list format or a card format. There were quick action option available with right clicking to move the item to the front, move to the back, or move to a particular place (either by typing the place in the ordered list or searching for a particular item and allowing it to be placed before or after it).

      With so many items I often can't get the "move to bottom" ghost card action to appear on the board. It will only show the place in between ghost card action. I'm happy to screenshare so you can see. (I love the ability to have multiple columns/releases in the parking lot area.)

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Apr 30, 2017

      Hi Eugene, thank you for the idea. We currently don't allow re-ranking on the Features -> List view due to a bit of a trade off between being able to sort items and rank them. Can you help us understand what it is about the Features -> List compared to the Features -> Board that would make it easier for prioritization?

      I will mark this idea Unlikely to implement for now but we will leave it open for additional feedback.


    1 MERGED

    Ability to rank product line backlog in a list view

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