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Status Future consideration
Categories Releases
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 22, 2017
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-895 Ability to assign release phase length in working days (vs. start/end date).

Adjust the dates of a phase by altering the duration of the phase Merged

User Story:

As a user editing the roadmap

I want to be able to adjust the dates of a phase by altering the duration of the phase as opposed to manually adjusting the dates

So I do not have to think too hard about the dates



I am building my roadmap and am at a high level. The dates are a lot more of a fluid concept at this stage. It would be much easier to adjust the days duration.



· Add a days column to the Release Details tab

· Calculate the days duration excluding non-working days

· When I click on the days I should be able to change the duration

· When I change the duration the dates automatically recalculate



· https://<<my_account_url>>

· Product Managers