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"Select All" option for reports

I could use a "Select All" option for reports.  I see there was a previous request that was marked "shipped", but it does not work.  Clear selected is there, but not "Select All".  

    Apr 2, 2019

    Thank you for submitting this idea! You can now easily select all items in a filter and set filters to update automatically. Choose a product, goal, initiative, or release filter — then click Select all or Auto-update. See attached example.

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    • Guest
      Feb 11, 2019

      Totally agree.  Once you pass a handful of product lines, if you want to dynamically switch lines being displayed, you have to click 2x times.  If you had a simple--and very common--"check all/uncheck all" box, we would only have to click twice.  Oh yeah, then click "update report" as if that was not obvious from the adjustments we have been making... so 3 times.  But that is still better than the 14 times I have to click with just 7 products...

    • Guest
      Nov 13, 2018

      Pretty please!

      I spent so much time clicking on 20+ products each time I was defining a view or report or chart.

    • Sam Richards
      Sep 10, 2018

      This would be extremely valuable for all of our PMs. With complex product roadmaps, having to manually ensure everything is selected from a massive list is not only tedious, it's hit and miss.

    • Guest
      Aug 28, 2017

      Agree with including on all drop-down filters.  Makes no sense that "Clear Selected Items" is an option but not "Select All Items"

    • Guest
      Apr 27, 2017

      I 100% agree with this Idea and a number of PMs have told me the same thing.
      We need a "Select All Items" above "Clear Selected Items" for all of the dropdown filters, including custom fields.

    13 MERGED

    Add an "All" option to the product hierarchy structure for report filters

    Scenario: Large customers who have many products in their product hierarchy, and who add products constantly, want to know that when they select a product line to be included in a report, all products will be included, even new ones that were adde...
    Melissa Hopkins over 7 years ago in  1 Shipped
    5 MERGED

    Select All in Filters

    You have the option to Clear All Selected but not a Select All - it's such a time suck to constantly click every thing every time.
    Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped
    5 MERGED

    Ability to select all/select none in dropdown menu

    To select one by one with a very long drop down list seems 'ice age'. Efficient ways to select the majority or minority are 1) select all then de-select few or 2) select none then select few. JIRA and Tableau all have these features.
    Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped
    1 MERGED

    Filter reports/views by selecting just one parent product and including everything underneath it

    It's needed because without this feature, if I add a new product, I have to manually this prodct to the filter for any reports/views that are intended for this product's parent product line.
    Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped