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Categories Capacity planning
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 11, 2014
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-594 Detailed Capacity Planning.

Resource planning by project (release) Merged

So we currently have an excel spreadsheet where about 30 people are allocated "x" days a week to a particular project and then you view it by person to see the summed total of days across each project. It's a high level view that allows our managers to switch between seeing who is available in 3-4 weeks or two months and then add them to a project.

Their additional request recently is that they want to see where people are - so will people be in China or Hong Kong or Melbourne or off-site in Sydney or in the office.  And then a little 'love to have' feature would be the time that it is for that person currently based on their location (so you can look up their profile and see the time in the city they are in).

This is partly also a 'data-in' question, as in, who is going to update whatever system we have with all that information? We currently use Google Calendar and something that updates location based on appointment locations entered in a Google Calendar would be amazing.

Specific use cases so of course not expecting it all to be perfect for us, but if you do develop something close let me know!

The overview one looks like:

Project        Week 1 week 2 Week 3
Person 1
Person 2 
Person 3

This should be 'flippable' so it can also be seen like:

Person 1    Week 1, week 2, Week 3
Project A    
Project B
Project C

The location one would be the same, except that the week would be split into individual days and the individual cell would have a location. In a software I imagine you click on this location and get the current time for it but when I do it it will just be a bunch of cells showing the time in various applicable time zones.

So it would look like

Project        Week 1                        week 2 Week 3
Person 1     SY SY HK HK TR SY etc...
Person 2 
Person 3
SY Sydney Current Time: 12:57
HK Hong Kong Current Time: 4:57pm
TR Travel

    Apr 29, 2020

    Thank you for sharing this idea! We are excited to share that Enterprise+ customers can now set team-based estimates and visualize each team’s workload on the capacity report.

  • Guest
    Jan 24, 2017

    Yes this feature would be golden nugget for AHA

  • Guest
    Jan 11, 2017

    Hi Aha guys, Is there any movement on this feature? Resource planning is a requirement we have.

  • Guest
    Sep 15, 2015

    I am desperate to get this implemented, this will save me having to use Excel and the holiday tool to figure out my resources; single place for all resource availability and easy to apply to projects... I believe this is a must have!   

  • Admin
    Chris Waters
    Sep 12, 2014

    Thanks for the detailed write up of your requirements. This is very helpful. We are thinking about how to do more sophisticated resource planning within Aha! at the moment and this will inform our thinking.

    Regards, Chris.

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