Use Case: As an AHA user, I want to be able to customize which notifications I receive so that I am not getting excessive notifications throughout the day that may not impact my work assignments and make it challenging to triage notifications. This will allow the user to focus on only notifications pertinent to assigned projects. Even if folders and rules are created in Outlook/ email account for notifications to be separate from regular emails, notifications can average 300+ per day.
Who will benefit: All AHA users
How should it work: In AHA, under a user's settings, have a notifications dashboard displaying all products and initiatives a person is currently receiving notifications for, and give option to edit notifications settings. For example:
desperately needed!
Yeah, this is a no-brainer enhancement. Many important notifications are getting lost among the detritus of all notifications. Many don't bother going through them at all. Allow the individual to decide what messages to be notified about. Thanks.
Please make this happen