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Created by Bill Hofmann
Created on Oct 31, 2016
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-1545 Allow for Fiscal Year date formats to be customized to read FY16 Q1 vs 2015/16 Q1.

Timeline reports need accurate fiscal year display, and/or option to switch to calendar year Merged

Right now, you identify the month that a fiscal year starts, but not the fiscal year offset.  For example, our fiscal starts Oct, and we are now (Oct 31 16) in Q1 FY2017.

The problem here is that a timeline view showing a release (for example) in November will show it as Q1 2016/2017, which is quite confusing.  It's only one of those.  If I change the view to quarters, it's better (showing Q1 in a 2016 bucket, Q2 in a 2017 bucket).  And there seems to be no way to override that, one way or the other.  

I'd like to be able to either have it be right (Nov is in Q1FY17) or just use calendar dates (which is helpful for external communication, btw), so the option would be nice.