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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 18, 2016

As a user I want a way to see only products/product lines in the dropdown that I care about

We now have a LOT of products and product lines in the main, top-left dropdown and it becomes painful to navigate if the product I'm working on isn't near the top of the list.  I'd like to have some way to whittle down that list so I can easily jump between 3-4 products I commonly work ing.  A "favorites" list may be one way to solve this.  If I could mark a few products as favorites and have those at the top of the list, that would be a huge time-saver for me.

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    Chris Waters
    Jul 19, 2016

    You are in luck. We are almost done on a feature to improve the product navigation menu, including showing the most three of the recently used products.