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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-1777 Add ability to link releases to an initiative from the initiative..

Ability to assign Initiatives to Releases from initiative details page

Currently you link Epics (Initiatives) to releases from the release detail screen. This adds a step to the process - you define the Epic, and then you need to go to the Release Details to select the Epics in the release.

Ideally, you should also be able to assign an Epic to a Release on the Epic definition itself. 

  • Project Parker
    Oct 28, 2018

    makes managing roadmaps when having to use 'custom roadmaps' a laborious affair. Simply having the "+" icon next to the releases section within an initiative would reduce this burden drastically.

  • Guest
    Oct 3, 2018

  • Guest
    Oct 3, 2018

    Desperately need this to help with the workflow of not having to go to multiple screens to add the same information.  I should be able to assign a release from multiple screens.


Adding Release to Hill from Hill screen

Adding Release to Hill from Hill screen without having to navigate to Release Details screen to add from there. When creating a Hill and I know which Release this will be part of I should be able to add it from that screen too,
Guest over 6 years ago in Releases 0 Shipped