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Remove assignee from features / workflow board

While I understand it's sometimes useful to have a pipeline of features spread by assignee, when I want to get the big picture, without having to consider the assignee as a separated lane. You should make it optional.

    Oct 2, 2019

    Thanks for the idea!

    You can now choose whether you want to group cards on the workflow board in swimlanes by each individual teammate or see a holistic view of all work in progress.

    Learn more about the enhanced Kanban board to visualize your team’s work.

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    • Guest
      Aug 28, 2019

      This is critical for a number of our teams. We've taken to using releases as Kanban columns because we need to see current progress and drag and drop across statuses at the product level, and we have hundreds of Aha users and dozens of products so selecting by user is not scalable. We'd much prefer to go back to more traditional time-bounded releases and use the workflow board for overall product feature review and statusing.

    • Katie Tokarz
      Jul 23, 2019

      I'd like to see this moved to planned as well.  We are applying SAFe within Aha and it's critical for us to have the kanban board with the columns, feature detail, and drag and drop, while working with unassigned features on the board. I also agree with the other comments here that while the pivot table can give me insight into unassigned features, it doesn't allow for the kanban board functionality.

    • Guest
      Jul 19, 2019

      An option to remove to remove team member category from workflow view will be very helpful.

    • Patrick Hunt
      Jul 19, 2019

      Removing the Category by Team Member would allow us to use touch-screen during Scrum/DSU and drag-n-drop/move through the scrum workflow (as it stands now, lots of clicks to do the same and keeps us from using in DSU except for visual). Let's get this done as an option to turn on/off the Team Member Category

    • Jennifer Lange
      Jan 18, 2019

      i would like to see the "unassigned" issues as well

    • Guest
      Nov 26, 2018

      Alternate: ability to customize what the swimlane is

    • Guest
      Mar 30, 2018

      It's really important for us to work with unassigned features on the board. Agree with the other comments here that while the pivot table can give me insight into unassigned features, it misses the point of the columns, feature detail, and drag and drop for status. 

    • Jørgen Binningsbø
      Jan 3, 2018

      Rather than just having the option to remove the swimlanes based on "assignee", it would be more flexible to let me choose any attribute as basis for the swimlanes; ex "label",  "release quarter" or custom feature fields.

    • Tom Beck
      Nov 10, 2017

      I'd sure like to see this moved to Planned.  I'm greatly in need of a way to view the state of feature development without being concerned with who is assigned to which features.

    • Joey Delaney
      Apr 6, 2017

      This would be extremely helpful for a big picture view and the assignee could simply be visible on the cards themselves.

      The value of the workflow view is negated when work is spread across multiple assignee's.



    • Peter Marshall
      Jul 12, 2016

      Yes, I'd love to see this as well.  Something about being able to see the big picture and dynamically interact with the board at the same time really facilitates the strategic thinking and decision making I want to do in the feature workflow.

    • Jean-Baptiste Théard
      Dec 1, 2015

      It somehow does answer my need; but still miss the nice pro of the workflow view : 

      • I love the column collapse
      • I love the switch for level of features detail
      • Drag and drop for status

      Ideally, I would also have meaningful order of cards from top to bottom just like we do in Trello so that the higher the card, the more points it has (I agree it's another feature).

      Thanks Suzanne

    12 MERGED

    Create a View on Features >> Workflow, Not dependent on Assignment

    The features >> workflow board is great, no doubt! However, there's one view I want to see that you don't offer, a plain board not independent of assignment. I don't care who the work is assigned to, I just care where it's at in the pipeline...
    Guest about 9 years ago in Features 0 Shipped
    5 MERGED

    Features workflow without swim lanes

    As a Product Manager, I would like to view the features workflow independent of assignee swim lanes so that I can see where features are without muddling the high-level view with superfluous information.
    Tom Beck about 8 years ago in Features 7 Shipped