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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Features
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 9, 2015

The ability to add information on the person that created an idea to a story

As a user working on story in Jira (development execution app), I want to see who submitted an idea, so I can contact them when we need additional information.

Today when an idea is converted to a story, the created by field is replaced with the admin that promoted the idea to a story. This is an issue because we loose information on the person that submitted the idea. This is important when we need more information after an idea has been submitted to Jira. 

    Jan 6, 2016

    As described, when an idea is promoted, the "created by" field is replaced by the Aha! user who promoted the feature. This is done in this way because features can only be created by Aha! users. With that said, it is possible to click through the link to access the idea to view the initial user who had submitted the idea.

    Because of the workaround mentioned above, along with current priorities, we do not currently have plans to make updates in this area.

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