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Categories Strategy
Created by Danny Archer
Created on Jul 13, 2015
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-4380 Auto-assign goals of an initiative to a feature assigned to that initiative.

Goals and Initiatives - Recognize Pre-existing Relationships When Assigning to Features

We have defined Goals and Initiatives in our Aha instance, and each Initiative is linked to a specific Goal or Goals
But when you add an Initiatve or Goal to a feature, it doesn't enforce this relationship. That is the problem: we would like Aha to help us make the right choices, by filtering the list of initiatives based on the Goal we choose (or vice versa). In that way, any of our reporting in Aha will be clean and accurate in terms of our strategy and how features support it.
  • Jonathon Leeke
    Oct 8, 2015

    I could see this being the case - if a feature supports an initiative, wouldn't it also help satisfy the goals that the initiative is linked to?  Why then do you need to link Features to Goals?

    @Danny - you could just ignore that field on Features, and when you report on Goals, just use the Feature > Initiative > Goal as the goal you reference in the Pivot/List/etc instead of the Feature > Goal.

  • +1

Add goal automatically when you select initiative

When user selects initiative on the feature and this initiative is linked to the goal it would be really useful to fill goal field with the goal that is linked to initiative.
Kote Khutsishvili over 5 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Auto Add Goal when Initiative added to Feature

We have setup goals, initiatives and features and have linked the features to initiatives and the initiatives to the goals however, the system does not automatically pull the relevant goals on to the features when the initiatives are linked. It wo...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Goals and Initiatives - Recognize Pre-existing Relationships When Assigning to Features

We have defined Goals and Initiatives in our Aha instance, and each Initiative is linked to a specific Goal or Goals But when you add an Initiatve or Goal to a feature, it doesn't enforce this relationship. That is the problem: we would like Aha t...
Guest over 2 years ago in Features 0 Shipped