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Created by Guest
Created on May 22, 2015

global settings for enabling ideas, planning, etc

At this moment most settigs (like enabling ideas and planning) has to be done per product. Since we have a lot of products in AHA! we have to change these settings for every new product. Please could you make it possible to change default settings for new products?


Or if that is easier to build, it should help us to manage these settings on product line level. Any change on that level should be applied on the products below the product line

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    • Ron Yang
      Nov 25, 2015

      We recently shipped a feature which allows you to enable Ideas at your highest product line level (along with updating your navigation).

      By going to Settings -> Product Line -> Navigation, you can click on the Ideas checkbox. This will globally enable Ideas across your products. Note that you will still need to create idea portals for each, but this will enable the high level setting.

    • Tom Andries
      Sep 20, 2015

      It is a waste of time and source of inconsistencies and errors to have to set the same values over and over again. Inheritance from the highest level of product line down to the lowest level of product would greatly improve the quality of product definition and management.