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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-805 Sort features board.

On Feature Board: Quickly Sort Release Features By Score

On the Features Board, we often change the score and the difficulty of our tickets in the releases and like to have the top priority features at the top of the release and right now I have to do it manually. 

  • Guest
    Jan 25, 2017

    We defiantly need this. It is a complete waste of time having the score otherwise. 

  • Guest
    Jan 25, 2017

    totally need this feature - it's pointless to spend valuable time adding an AHA score and not being able to automatically update the order of the list on the Board (while you can in the List and Details view).  I run weekly reviews of these scores and then have to tell my board that I now manually have to move everything to show the new priorities - especially as they the ones who approve the purchase of this product...we need this