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Alphanumerically Sort Releases with the same release date

Why:  I have multiple releases that take place on the same date and to be able to easily see them would be beneficial to know where in the upper row of Release Details to look.  For example, I have VPS*1*6, VPS*1*7, and VPS*1*8 scheduled to release on the same date, however it displays in order of most recently added.  So if I enter the releases in the same order listed above, it displays on Release Details page as VPS*1*8 then VPS*1*7 then VPS*1*6.

Who:  Me and the OCD amongst us.

How:  Utilize alphanumeric sorting within the current external release date sort mechanism.

    Jan 16, 2020

    We just gave the Gantt chart a major upgrade. Get ready for a fresh look, smoother experience, new master features view, and more.

    This new experience now includes the ability to drag and drop to re-order records however you need.

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