Upon creating a chart report, would like to be able to click through to view underlying table. E.g. Pie chart shows Ideas by Status. Want to be able to click on the "Needs Review" segment and view the associated ideas in Needs Review status.
Thank you for your idea. This is not currently planned on our roadmap but we will continue to monitor customer feedback here. On way to handle this in the meantime would be changing the report type in the top left side of the report. Changing a pie chart to a pivot will show you the breakdown of the data behind the chart.
This would be really great functionality to have so that when you click on a slice of the pie or a bar, a list will report will popup...similar to Excel when you click on a row in a pivot chart.
The ability to drill down from charts to a list is very valuable, and the whole point of charts in dashboards. As Program Manager of a global program, the charts provide valuable insights, but the details are needed to answer the questions (e.g. which two epics are late, what Ideas are still Needs Review after two months)
Hi, it is more common to drilldown from a chart to view the data. Appreciate we can change the report type from chart to pivot, and this is OK for regular users of Aha in the backend, but we want to publish charts to our Execs and we can't expect them to start changing report types to view data.