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Categories To-dos
Created by Frank Fuchs
Created on Nov 3, 2020
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-5300 Disable auto-assignment of To-Dos.

“Assigned to:” field behavior inconsistent and reduces productivity

When I create a Goals, Initiatives or Features, the “Assigned to:” field is blank. When I cursor over the field a button appears “Assign to me”. This button appears when ever there is no assignment.

This gives me the ability to brainstorm on goals, initiatives and features, and not think about who or if I should be responsible yet. I can come back later and assign the item to myself very quickly with the “Assign to me” button.

In comparison, when I create a to-do under a feature. There is a blank “Assigned to:” field with a “Assign to me” link next to it.

Again, I want to brainstorm and think of the to-do list without regard to people assignments, and I type in Titles and then Enter to get to the next blank to-do item. I can quickly create 10 to-dos this way.

When I look back at my to-do list, I notice all the to-dos are assigned to me. WHY? I left it back and did not click on the “Assign to me” link. This happens even if the parent feature is not assigned to me?

Now to remove the assignment, I need to click on the to-do and then click on the “x” next to my name to remove the assignment. This is a waste of my time.

Furthermore, when I am ready to assign an unassigned to-do to myself, there is no “assign to me” link. There is only an “Add assignee” link. Now I need to click on it, type my partial name and select. Why is there no “Assign to me” link? WHY? This is an additional waste of time.

Please change the behavior of To-Dos so it acts consistent to Goals, Initiatives or Features which is very quick and make intuitive sense.

  • Frank Fuchs
    Nov 3, 2020

    When I discussed this problem with an AHA associate, I added additional clarity to my thinking. Why should you not assign to-dos to me initially? The answer is simple. If I am brain storming and going from one feature to another, I will have created 50 to-dos in a short time. Then when I navigate to “My Work, To-Dos” I am overwhelmed with snippets of work that do not show proper order and have no context as standalone items. This is a GTD principal, but if I only assign myself the very next step I need to take to advance separate projects, my to-do list is very concise and I blow though the list without having to sift through pages of to-dos. When I run out of to-dos, I visit my features or projects and load up all the next step, and then go back to work. Additionally, (not a requirement for above, but a nice to have)…. Allow me to TAG my to-dos. Then allow “My Work, To-Dos” to filter by tags. Now I have a context filter that I can select a type of task by time, place and available brain power. Full blow GTD.