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Created by Thomas H
Created on Oct 3, 2020
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-9773 Set public comments as the default view in new detail view redesign..

Commenting on ideas : New design is bad + causes more clicks to get the same done Merged

A new design was recently forcefully applied to Aha, and since then working with the platform is a nightmare

Actions that used to be simple are taking much more time now:

e.g. adding a (public) comment to an idea:

Before : available from the main idea screen

- click "comments"
- wondering why its empty.. realizing that public comments require to click on "public", so clicking on "switch to public comments"

- Instead of showing the comments field directly, I need to click on "add private comment"

When you have to do this over and over again you will realize that this is a bad design.
And no, as a customer I do not want to fix a bad design by having to fiddle aroudn with building my own custom design, how to build it or how to save & reuse it. I do expect the platform to be efficient + usable.

Even when building a custom design you can not show public comments directly. There only is a block "comments" that you can move around, but that doesnt change the fact that public comments are not directly displayed

  • Admin
    Julie Price
    Oct 7, 2020

    Thanks for the idea and expanding on your original idea you submitted recently.

    There is a similar idea to improve the access to public comments. I will merge your idea there so your vote is applied. This will help us understand all use cases as we determine a solution.