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Status Future consideration
Categories Application
Created by kanak l
Created on Jul 1, 2020

Should be able to insert rows at any position in the custom table (like its on G - spreadsheet)

When i click to add row in a custom table the rows get added on the top. This could be desirable when you want to add comments so that the latest appears on the top but highly undesirable when you want to serialize items (1-n) with 1 appearing down most in the table or use it like a traditional table.

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  • Chris Brooks
    Jul 20, 2020

    We are monitoring a capability measure over time for our products. The usability of the table in Aha! is compromised by all records being added at the top.


Custom Tables Row Editing

Allow users to rearrange rows in custom tables. Currently when a new row is added to a custom table, it adds it to the top of the table. There is no way to move it down, so if you input information out of order you have to move the rows manually v...
Guest about 3 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration