The ability to customize terminology in the navigation is very helpful for teams to adopt Aha! For example, in the product workspaces, "releases" can be renamed for teams that refer to this differently.
For the workspaces that use "plans" in the top navigation, it would be helpful to be able to customize this term as well. While we can customize the term for "schedules", the term "plans" appears in the top navigation and is not currently customizable.
We have to spend time training new employees that the "Roadmap" item in the nav means "Reports". Please let us edit this.
Agreed. By not customizing the terminology of the navigation bar to match that of the configuration, it makes the customized application less intuitive.
Agreed - I see no reason why all terminology couldn't be changed, especially since we can do it for the other workspace types.
We often change terminology to meet our business requirements. We believe this ability should exist across all workspaces and not be a constraint.