Increase Aha Product Workspace Name character limit and confirm product name changes
What is the challenge?
Business Problem to Solve
If the Product Owner attempts to change the Product Workspace name which exceeds 100 characters then the browser seems to accept the name change but upon refreshing the name change, the browser reverts back to the original name. * Aha Product Workspaces limit the Product Workspace Name to 100 characters
The workspace history does not reflect the attempt to change the name
The Aha Tool does not inform the Product Owner that the name change was rejected
The Aha Product Names are also being added into our Rally Tool, such that both tools should have the same name. *The Rally Tool has a 128 character name limit.
What is the impact?
Usability of the tool
Describe your idea
Increase Aha Product Workspace Name character limit to 128 and provide in-app confirmation of product name changes