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Categories Ideas research
Created by Karla Johnson
Created on Apr 26, 2023
Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-13153 Filter columns in the Prioritization view.

Feature Prioritization - Filtering Needed Merged

Currently within the Feature -> Prioritization tab, filters are only available in the "Unranked" section (left navigation) of the backlog. Once you add the prioritized view (right navigation pane), there is no ability to add custom filter attributes to the ranked items. I can understand why we want explicit stack ranks but when dealing with a large number of teams, this limitation is a major challenge to effective backlog management

Use Case:

Multiple options could be available:
1) Expand the filter on the left to apply to both the left and right navigation pane

2) Enable them to be set independently (left and right page)

3) Enable prioritization stack ranks against a filtered view enabling multiple priorities depending on your product area. Today, we WANT multiple products in the same workspace but because we cannot prioritize them independently, we are having to use custom fields and manual processes as work arounds. This is massively frustrating.